Wednesday, March 23, 2011

all rolled into one!!!

It's been crazy here lately.. Crazy is an understatement!! On the bullying incident We went in for a meeting Monday and spoke with the vice principal. The boy stayed home with me Monday and Tuesday until the issue was resolved. The decision to change his class room was made Monday night and i was informed yesterday he would be switching classes per my request. Thank you for all your supportive comments. I seem to have made some major waves over at the school but that's just to bad for them. Unfortunately i don't think this whole thing is quite over yet. The boys still have to interact at lunch and recess. well they don't have to but.. you know how kids are. But just to show it was a stabbing and not a poking as the mother claims  here is a pic of the wound 2 weeks + later

As for today.. well I'm one of THOSE moms running on little to no sleep. Its sent my mind reeling as my little princess cant do a damn thing she is asked nor follow any rules she knows by heart!
Why is it kids feel the need to find and look at any birthday presents that might possibly be hid in the house? My son found his the other day..I bought him the Michael Jackson experience for the Wii and the little shit found it. so we played it last night! OH MY GOSH I'm so sore today! I would be fine if that was all but then little miss princess decided to be nose and found her Dora game for the Wii. It killed me to have to fib to her and tell her it was for someone else!!!
 And whats up with men being dumb lately. Husband came by before he went home last night and ate dinner.. i made mannicotti and cheese tortellini  he  didn't eat the mannicotti.. his excuse.. too cheesy. he didn't like the stuff in the middle.. really? WTH? its the same as whats in lasagna..
Anyway  its only the middle of the week and its obvious its going to be a long week.. so ill leave you with what was supposed to be my wordless Wednesday post! oh and if any of you tell husband you saw this picture of him ill deny, deny, deny, DENY!!!!!!

Hope you all have a CRAZY rest of the day! remember i LOVE your comments.. so please leave me some more!!!

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    Nicole Weaver

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