Monday, August 9, 2010

Life consumes me!!

OK so life has CONSUMED ME!!
Help some one let me out..ALIVE PREFERABLY!!
 no seriously.. 2 kids was a breeze. a few fights to break up no big deal right. who was kicking who out of the bathroom i could deal with. Sis goin in Bubbys room and getting screamed at.. no problem.. Now we throw Baby J in the mix! HA! Please tell me how one parent is supposed to keep her head up. by the end of the day i collapse in bed and thank God as of right now there are only 3 kids! Kind of hard to make 4 when its just me here though!!
Sis God bless her heart has finally hit those terrible 2's in her 3's ! Yea the girl is into everything!! she is constantly waking j up!! Poor baby boy!Then she waits!!
for the perfect time...
of course that time is when J has my boob in his mouth and i CANT get up!
Her last fiasco.. was to paint the bathroom with my makeup!! yea  it was a lovely mess of colors and foundation EVERYWHERE!!!!!!
But on the J front he is an AWESOME BABY!!!!!!
 Seriously i couldnt have asked for a better baby!!! The boy doesnt cry.. now that i say that im gonna be beating myself in the head tomorrow arent i? lets hope not!!
well all three babies are asleep and in bed so i guess imma head that way to!!!
Life is comfy in a bed with 2 kiddos!!!

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1 comment:

  1. So, I could have totally written this post myself all about me! I so understand, 2 kiddo's was easy peasy, add in the 3rd and I'm ready to bunk in at the crazy house!


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